Current Course Offerings
Dr. Walter teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in science and science teaching.
Often, her courses have creative assessments. Students in Dr. Walter's courses have written songs, programmed a video game about Hope Jahren's Lab, created a movie with a time-traveling dog, and baked fossil layer cakes. See the Innovations Page for more.
At Fresno State, two-digit courses are generally for Freshman and Sophomores.
100-level courses are upper-division courses, for Juniors and Seniors.
200-level courses are courses for Graduate Students.
General Education Biology
In this course for non-science majors, we myth bust common misunderstandings about science and learn how to make smart decisions based on evidence, including decisions for personal well-being, evidence-based public policy, and health of the environment.
This course is award-winning!
Click here to see the cool creative quests students do in Biology 10.
CSM 10 & 15
Scientific Method + Evidence-Based Decision Making
In this two-semester sequence, first-year STEM majors read and interpret the primary literature around two UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the first semester, their work culminates in a science communication project about the UN issues for a target audience. In the second semester, students do full research projects, exploring people's thinking, actions, and beliefs about their UN SDG issue. This is a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) course.
BIOL 272
College Science Teaching
In this graduate course for future university STEM educators, students learn how to structure a lesson, write learning objectives, construct more effective labs, and build quality assessments. Students will walk away ready for the job market with a teaching portfolio and teaching philosophy.